Why my name is not showing in zoom meeting -

Why my name is not showing in zoom meeting -

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The way to prevent this is to set the Zoom application to start when the PC starts. If the Zoom meeting has already started, you can change your name via the "Participants" section. Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff on remote working and productivity to your email inbox. What's New at Zoom? Click your profile icon , located in the top-right corner of the window. Select My Profile from the dropdown menu — this will prompt a pop-up window to open. If your meeting hasn't started yet, you can change your name in the profile section of your account using the Zoom website or the desktop or mobile app.      

How to change your name on Zoom permanently? Here's a step by step guide

  Thank you! My Display Name in my Profile is correct - and until the latest update, it displayed correctly when I attended a meeting.    


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